Spread a little “LOVE” with your Valentine Car

Valentine’s Day is coming soon and (I’ll bet you would have never guessed this, but…) I love to decorate my home for this holiday of hearts. 😉

This year, I decided to spread the message of “LOVE” a little further, by adding a few hearts to my car.  People add wreaths, ribbons & lights to their cars at Christmas time, so why not express a little JOY for Valentine’s Day too?

felt dotsIt was easy & inexpensive to do.  I found a glittery, weatherproof Valentine heart at Michael’s Crafts and added self-adhesive, felt pads to the back (to protect my car) and finally, zip-tied it to the front grill.

s_car wreath

Next, I found some fun, inexpensive Valentine magnet sets.  They’re marketed for display on a refrigerator or dishwasher, but I added a few to the back of my car.  There are so many in the package, that I can share with neighbors, family & friends!

(If you are unable to find the magnet sets, I have a limited supply in my SHOP)

s_car magnets_aa

So, if you decide to spread a little “LOVE” around your own town, it won’t matter if the other drivers are in front of or behind you because, either way, they’ll enjoy your subtle message of “LOVE”…  and I’ll bet it brightens their day too!!

Enjoy the Creativity!